Friday, October 11, 2013


A battle has been raging for some time now over millions of aliens who have entered this country illegally. Significantly, most are from south of the Mexican border. Regardless of where they come from, they are criminals who scoff at the laws of the United States. Probably most feel no loyalty to this country. They represent a clear threat to our national security, still, the enemies of America in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House call for amnesty and a path to citizenship for this outlaw class that has recently had the audacity to take to the streets to demand that amnesty.

From what I’ve seen, anti-Amnesty forces base their opposition to amnesty on jobs lost to Americans, driving the earnings of many Americans down by making available cheap labor for corporations, and the swelling of the welfare roles by these illegals. All opponents miss the most important factor of all, probably because they aren’t even aware of it.

Amnesty is Treason!!! A map and plan copyrighted and published in Philadelphia in 1942 showed the world as planned by the global elite. It was received by the Library of Congress in February of ’42 and entered its map collection in March. The detail and intricacies suggest that it was compiled or at least well underway before the Pearl Harbor attack.

The map and plan can be found here:
Double-click to enlarge.

What should be of particular interest to Americans, in fact, to all the peoples of the world, are the S.S.R.’s shown on the map. We were told Eastern Europe was ceded to the Soviets at Yalta by a “sick” Roosevelt. As shown here, it was already planned well in advance, not in Moscow, but in Philadelphia. Not all of the SSR’s were accomplished, but too many were and were held in bondage until needed to make the European Union a viable regional superstate.

Of even more significance to Americans is the “United States of America” as shown on the map. It encompasses all of North and Central America. NAFTA and CAFTA were probably the first visible moves in that direction just as the Common Market was the first step toward the European Union. The next step was the meeting of the heads of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico (Bush, Martin, and Fox) to form a North American Union. Heavy exposure and opposition generated on the Internet forced them underground, but you can bet the plan is still in progress beneath the surface. You’ll find an excellent expose’ on the NAU from a Canadian political party copied and pasted here.

This is where treason enters the picture. The hoards of illegals from south of the border will create a fifth column that will ease the merger of the U.S. with Mexico and, eventually, Central America.

The issue is not the loss of jobs, nor cheap labor for corporations, nor the draining of welfare funds to support the illegals. The issue is the loss of our national sovereignty and what is left of the tattered remains of our Constitution. Those bringing this about would, in saner times, be considered traitors. They should be now. AMNESTY IS TREASON!!!

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Surprise! Surprise!

Surprise! Surprise! Suddenly, myriad reports are saying Obamacare is on the verge of collapse. Implementation of certain provisions effecting businesses are being delayed. Of course, those requiring us peasant to buy policies from the “insurance mafia” (See “A Pairadocs) are not. This will mean increased revenue to the Federal Government as people who can't afford to comply are taxed to beat them into submission. The question becomes, “How much blood can the government get out of turnips that have lost their jobs and are loosing their homes?”

It was obvious from the beginning that “Obama's plan” (the plan shoved down his throat by the insurance lobby) wouldn't work because it ignores the three main components of ever increasing healthcare costs, inflation, insurance, and government regulation.

Inflation is almost always created by government or by those who control the issuance of “money.” It is nothing more than the money supply being increased at a rate exceeding the ability to create goods and services. When more money is available, if the supply of goods and services doesn't rise accordingly, then the prices of goods and services go up to meet the money supply. Unfortunately, many are not able to increase their incomes at the pace of the inflation, but that doesn't apply to some like the medical profession. Doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers are able to raise their rates to keep pace with the inflation because people must have their services.

When insurance is widely available, there is more money available for medical care and it produces an effect similar to inflation. For all intent and purpose, it becomes a sort of localized inflation. Simply put, the money is there so medical professionals charge accordingly. A contributing factor is that many people think the insurance should cover everything. It should only be for major expenses not for routine problems and office visits. When it covers everything, it just becomes prepaid health care and is expensive.

Government regulation and, simply put, interference in health care provision drives costs up. As an example from my own experience. I had a contract engineering assignment to develop the manufacturing controls segment of an application for approval to market a medical device. When the engineering manager was explaining what was needed, he told me they already had a stack of about 3-4 feet of documentation for other aspects. I said such requirements must be infuriating. He said no. They were happy with it because they didn't think any of the competition was going to bother, so they could charge anything they wanted, $10, $15, or more a pair. What was the product? O-rings. Rubber bands for tying a woman's tubes for contraception. Pennies to make and dollars in profits. Add to that the record keeping and mark up costs at the hospital and who knows what will be added to the bill. And that's just for a very simple product.

Here's yet another source of big “healthcare” spending to drive inflation. I regret I lost the source. It anyone can link me to it, I'd appreciate it.

"The Obama administration has shoved an unprecedented expansion in taxpayer funding of abortion down our throats over the past four years. The nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, can attest to the explosion in taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood just recently released their annual report for 2011-2012. And 2011 was a big money-maker for the abortion giant.

They crowed about the number of abortions they performed in 2011 -- a record 333,964 babies killed.

Cumulatively, their 3 year total brings their death count over that period just barely short of a million.

And your tax dollars paid for this slaughter.

Planned Parenthood received nearly half of their revenue, $542 million, in tax dollars. And now as things currently stand, they're counting on an even greater influx of funds, with the help of their ally in the White House.

Because with his reelection safely behind him, President Obama isn't even trying to hide his use of your and my tax dollars to line the pockets of the abortion lobby. In fact, Obama and his pro-abortion cronies in Congress took advantage of "must pass" legislation just this last December, and snuck in additional taxpayer funding of abortion in a military appropriations bill.

And they're looking to do it once again with the looming debt ceiling and other budget bills."

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

ALPHA & OMEGA and the Left vs. Right Myth

First published in LostLiberty1 at WordPress on April 19, 2012

In the mid-sixties, a man I played ball with told me, “If you’re a conservative, you’ll love Bill Buckley.” He suggested I watch him on the Firing Line on Sunday. I did.

For forty-five minutes Buckley tore a “liberal” professor to shreds. Young people in the audience who’d obviously come to see the opposite results sank deeper and deeper into their seats as their golden idol was reduced to stone, then clay, and finally crumbled into dust.

Then, inexplicably, Buckley began to act like an obnoxious ass. By the time he was done, it was obvious to the young people that everything they’d heard about “conservatives” being elitists was true. The idol was back on his pedestal.

I thought, “Damn, Bill, you had ‘em then lost them. Well, you’ll get them next week.

The next week was a repeat of the first. Again my thought was, “Geez, you did it again, but you’ll get them next time for sure.”

Not to be. This time I thought, “Damn you, Buckley, you rotten bastard! You’re no conservative. You’re there to destroy the conservative argument. Now whenever someone tries to persuade one of these kids with a conservative argument he’ll hear, “Oh, you sound just like Bill Buckley.”

That introduction to what I later learned was one side of applied Hegelian Dialectic was the beginning of my education in the mock left vs. right battle.

Advanced studies came with the John Birch Society. A draftsman I worked with gave me a copy of None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. He was very apologetic that I might find some of it “way out.” I didn’t. It was the first thing I’d read that made sense of what I saw going on. I told him that when I gave the book back, but he was so conditioned to being attacked for conspiracy theory, that he was still apologizing. I joined the society.

It didn’t take long for the next phase of my education to be completed. While the Birch Society provided excellent information, it seemed to do everything it could to keep its members from disseminating that information too widely. Birchers, when asked to join other groups, tended to emphasize work they had to do for the “Society.” I began to view the Birch Society as Orwell’s Resistance. It was ferreting out those susceptible to the truth and keeping them chasing their own tails.

In the meantime, I’d gotten active with the Constitutional Party of Pennsylvania and somehow found myself on the County Executive Committee. It was nominally conservative, but included one or more each of former Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians. There was also one fellow I would have classed as a “liberal” who was not happy with the growth of government.

Two things happened while on that committee that furthered my education about the liberal vs. conservative dog and pony show. At one meeting, Bill Buckley’s new membership in the CFR was brought up. Everyone got a laugh out of his comment that he’d joined to “spy on the enemy.” Anyone who knows the CFR knows membership is by invitation only and they don’t invite spies. [Buckley later joined the even more elite Trilateral Commission. I didn't know this at the time, but he'd been a member of Skull & Bones since his college days.]

The other thing that happened was the election of Ronald Reagan. His “budget cuts” received much media publicity to cement his “conservative” image. This, too, got a laugh at our meeting because a couple of members of our committee had kept their ties to friends in the Republican Party. They told us that those “budget cuts” were just cuts in proposed increases and, in the end, Reagan gave us the highest budget to that time.

Then came my post graduate studies. Back to at least the early 70′s, there were two organizations in Philadelphia that were major parts of the left/right scheme. One was called the Alpha Group and the other the Omega Group. One of our people, by virtue of his chairing of what might have been considered a “conservative” organization, was invited to a meeting of the Omega Group. As a result of his efforts, we learned that both groups existed in every major city in the U.S. Chairmen had assigned cities that they would travel to for the meetings.

The groups were identical in structure and operation. All of the paid activists and coordinators of “left-wing” groups reported their group’s activities monthly to the Alpha chairman. Their “right-wing” counterparts reported their activities to the Omega. I later questioned a friend, a Birch coordinator, about the Omega. He was very evasive and acted surprised that I even knew of it. I made a mental note to choose my friends more carefully in the future.

The point is this. The words Alpha and Omega have biblical connotations, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” the beginning and the end. We didn’t believe, and I still don’t, that the choice of names was accidental. It was the “top center” boasting to its initiates that it controlled both the “left-wing” and the “right-wing” and probably almost everything in between.

I don’t know if those organizations still exist, but I suspect they do. I do know that publicly the left-right scam is maintained through a new crop of media trolls who keep good people of the left and right busy flaming each other.  This prevents serious discussions that might lead to the realization by both “sides” that they’ve been had.

Before posting this, I was looking through some of my files for an article on how “conservative” and “liberal” congressmen flip-flop as needed to get legislation harmful to our nation and people passed, I stumbled across this excerpt from Antony Sutton’s “America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones” from Prison Planet: When I came across this in my files, I was concerned that the date shown was after Sutton’s death. Then I realized it was the date it was published by PrisonPlanet. I thought it was appropriate to repost it here. Sutton certainly makes the farce of left vs. right clearer than I ever could.

Antony Sutton on “Left” versus “Right” and the Hegelian dialectic in American politics

Anthony Sutton July 9 2003

How can there exist a common objective when members [of The Order of Skull and Bones] are apparently acting in opposition to one another?

Probably the most difficult task in this work will be to get across to the reader what is really an elementary observation: that the objective of The Order is neither “left” nor “right.” “Left” and “right” are artificial devices to bring about change, and the extremes of political left and political right are vital elements in a process of controlled change.

The answer to this seeming political puzzle lies in Hegelian logic. Remember that both Marx and Hitler, the extremes of “left” and “right” presented as textbook enemies, evolved out of the same philosophical system: Hegelianism. That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis, but is well known to any student of political systems.

The dialectical process did not originate with Marx as Marxists claim, but with Fichte and Hegel in late 18th and early 19th century Germany. In the dialectical process a clash of opposites brings about a synthesis. For example, a clash of political left and political right brings about another political system, a synthesis of the two, niether left nor right. This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about change. Today this process can be identified in the literature of the Trilateral Commission where “change” is promoted and “conflict management” is termed the means to bring about this change.

In the Hegelian system conflict is essential. Furthermore, for Hegel and systems based on Hegel, the State is absolute. The State requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. An individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the State…

So who or what is the State? Obviously it’s a self-appointed elite. It is interesting that Fichte, who developed these ideas before Hegel, was a freemason, almost certainly Illuminati, and certainly was promoted by the Illuminati. For example, Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Abaris in the Illuminati code) pushed Fichte for an appointment at Jena University.

Furthermore, the Illuminati principle that the end justifies the means, a principle that Quigley scores as immoral and used by both The Group [Millner / Rhodes Round Table] and The Order, is rooted in Hegel.

…Most of us believe the State exists to serve the individual, not vice versa.

The Order believes the opposite to most of us. That is crucial to understanding what they are about. So any discussion between left and right, while essential to promote the change, is never allowed to develop into a discussion along the lines of Jeffersonian democracy, i.e., the best government is least government. The discussion and the funding is always towards more state power, use of state power and away from individual rights. So it doesn’t matter from the viewpoint of The Order whether it is termed left, right, Democratic, Republican, secular or religious – so long as the discussion is kept within the framework of the State and the power of the State.

This is the common feature between the seemingly dissimilar positions taken by members – they have a higher common objective in which clash of ideas is essential.

The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a framework of the Hegelian dialectic process. Quite simply this is the notion that conflict creates history.

From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a predetermined history. for example: When the Trilateral Commission discusses “managed conflict”, as it does extensively in its literature, the Commission implies the managed use of conflict for long run predetermined ends – not for the mere random exercise of manipulative control to solve a problem.

The dialectic takes this Trilateral “managed conflict” process one step further. In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again. Thesis vs. antithesis results in synthesis.

For Hegelians, the State is almighty, and seen as “the march of God on earth.” Indeed, a state religion.

We trace the extraordinary Skull and Bones influence in a major Hegelian conflict: Naziism vs. Communism. Skull and Bones members were in the dominant decision-making positions — Bush, Harriman, Stimson, Lovett, and so on — all Bonesmen, and instrumental in guiding the conflict through use of “right” and “left.” They financed and encouraged the growths of both philosophies and controlled the outcome to a significant extent. This was aided by the “reductionist” division in science, the opposite of historical “wholeness.” By dividing science and learning into narrower and narrower segments, it became easier to control the whole through the parts.

In education, the Dewey system was initiated and promoted by Skull and Bones members. Dewey was an ardent statist, and a believer in the Hegelian idea that the child exists to be trained to serve the State. This requires suppression of individualist tendencies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge.

This manipulation of “left” and “right” on the domestic front is duplicated in the international field where “left” and “right” political structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for a one-world synthesis.

College textbooks present war and revolution as more or less accidental results of conflicting forces. The decay of political negotiation into physical conflict comes about, according to these books, after valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. War is always a deliberate creative act by individuals.

Western textbooks also have gigantic gaps. For example, after World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler. By the same token, Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development by Western firms and banks.

Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event by the politically or economically deprived against an autocratic state. Never in Western textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need finance and the source of the finance in many cases traces back to Wall Street.

Consequently it can be argued that our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored, and largely useless as that of Hitler’s Germany or the soviet Union or Communist China. No western foundation will award grants to investigate such topics, few Western academics can “survive” by researching such theses and certainly no major publisher will easily accept manuscripts reflecting such arguments.

[My comment: It should be noted that, no matter which direction the antithesis is skewed, to the left or to the right, the main direction vector of the new theses will always point to the precipice from which we will fall into the One World Cesspool.]

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